Here is the last set of pictures for now. Some of the trees and things are a little hard to see since they are so small still and have no leaves right now.

This is to the left side of the back patio (east). The grass in the path is going to get replaced with pavers. This was a quick temporary fix. In the far left about center is a Red Haven Peach tree. Back against the fence, where the little obelisk is, I'm thinking of planting two Asian pears. I'll plant them in two holes and keep them pruned under 6 feet. The method is explained at this web site:

The pergola is in the southeast corner. There are two grape vines planted by the back pillars (to itty-bitty to be seen in this picture). There are two climbing Joesph's Coat roses on the front of the pergola. In the planter to the left there is a Santa Rosa plum tree. I'm thinking of adding a Satsuma plum there as well. Also note, Garden Dog's jolly ball prominently displayed as a lawn ornament.

Back fence (south). The large tree is an Amur maple, it's actually dead center off the patio. It's only supposed to get to be 15-20 feet or so. In the far left are two sweet cherry trees - Black Tartarian and Rainier. Note bird feed strategically located next to cherry trees. . .

Looking along the right of the back fence and a little into the veggie garden (southwest). The little section in the middle outlined with small rocks is the asparagus patch. To the left of it is a Meteor pie/sour cherry. Also against the West fence, on the other side of the veggie garden are 4 apple trees - Akane, Liberty, Honeycrsip and Fiesta.

The right side of the patio (west). In the center planter, the little tree is a Wenatchee-Moorpark Apricot. I think I'm going to plant a second one, probably Tilton. The Planter against the house has some of my perennial herbs. There is a row of boxwood to hide the foundation. I don't care much for things that need to be pruned into boxes or circles, but it was the best way I could think of to hide the ugly foundation. And they are actually begining to grow and do their job.
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