I'm still doing a little blog catch-up with all these pictures. I have quite a few things to post, and then it will settle down. And probably stop when I can actually go outside, lol.

Spring flowers.

Close-up of a lilac.

Here's Rosie the Garden Dog checking out the flowers. "Hey Mom, there's a couple of weeds over here ya need to pick."

And here is the Garden Dog making sure the pergola area is safe for her humans.

Here's a picture of the veggie garden. It doesn't look too bad in this picture, but it got so I couldn't walk the paths between the beds.
Looks gorgeous to me. I love all the flowers, and envy you the fruit trees. I took out a lot of my flowers to make room for the veggie garden, and have lost my peach tree to borers. I'm going to try to incorporate more flowers into the garden this year.