Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bought More Seeds

I keep telling myself I don't need that many more seeds. All I needed are Juliet tomatoes and acorn squash. I was at Lowes yesterday and they had the Juliet seeds, but no acorn squash. Did I just buy Juliet tomatoes? HAH! Of course not, lol.

Here's the complete list:
  • Juliet tomatoes
  • Rutgers tomatoes
  • Marigolds - petite mixed colors
  • Butterfly flower
  • Larkspur
  • Cleome
  • Bachelor Buttons
  • Zinnia
And so I only "need" a few more seeds. Larger marigolds and acorn squash are about it. And Calendula, delphinium, toadflax, poppies, pincushion flower. . .


  1. It's hard to resist, isn't it? I'm running out of room to plant anything else, but still finding things in the seed catalogs that I just have to try.

    Too bad it isn't butternut squash you need, I'm overloaded with that!

  2. I want to try growing different winter squashes, but I don't know where! It would be just as well if I didn't find acorn squash seeds, lol.
