Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still waiting for spring. . .

We (mostly hubby) are still plugging away at the greenhouse. The weather has not been helpful. Cloudy, windy, rainy. Although, right now it looks like we may have sunshine today.

I started some of my seeds this week - tomatoes, parsley and celery. I still need to start peppers. Anything else will get direct sewn or bought as nursery plants. I just don't have enough room right now.

And speaking of seeds, I just keep buying more:
  • Acorn Squash - Table King
  • Bok Choy
  • Marigold - Snowdrift
  • Alyssum - Royal Carpet
  • Love-in-a-Mist - Persian Jewels
  • Linaria - Dwarf Fairy Bouquet
  • Marigold - Starfire Signet Mix
  • Forget-me-not
And the last one was a mistake - I thought I picked up blue flax. Well, I guess I have to go seed shopping again. :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is it Spring yet?

I'm starting to feel like Bart Simpson - Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Come on spring!

The sun keeps teasing me. Yesterday was sunny, today is gloomy and overcast. We get freezing fog off and on. I took this picture a couple of weeks ago of one of my Rugosa roses:

This last week I did manage to prune my fruit trees. I know, they are itty bitty still so it wasn't much of a project. I've done a little spring clean up, weather permitting. And we have worked on the greenhouse.

We put the frame together in the garage. We will carry it out back when we have the wood base ready. It's setting on some temporary wood bits so Jim could take some measurements. We bought the wood and he cut it yesterday and now it's too cold to work on it. Sigh.

The next step is to cut wood for the benches and then seal all the wood. Once we have nice weather again. (Strange, before moving here I never thought of "nice weather" being anything above 40 degrees)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Waiting for Spring

Mostly what I'm doing right now is waiting for spring. I have the veggie garden planted. I need to prune the fruit trees, but the weather hasn't been cooperating. Yesterday was fairly nice, but I had jury duty all day.

wait - whats that glare on my monitor? It can't be! THE SUN IS OUT!

We have a greenhouse kit we bought a year ago from Harbor Freight. It's the 6' x 8' model. There is quite a bit of info about these greenhouses (HFGH) at Garden Web in the greenhouse forums. We've been checking all that info out on how to put it together. Here is what we've done so far (and it's only been a year).

We put down the floor for the greenhouse:

I opened the box and made sure all the parts were there:

We need to buy wood for the base. The problem is we need to stain/seal the wood and it is too cold to do that. We may be able to warm the garage up enough, but we will see. Or we may wait for it to be warmer outside.

Come on spring!