Monday, August 24, 2009

Stealth Blogger

I've, uh been hiding and, um my blogs have all been stealth blogs. Yup, that's it. Well it's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Someday I'm going to learn not to plant so much stuff in my vegetable beds. Although it's not as bad as last year, I have some beds that are pretty crowded. My tomatoes aren't producing like they should. And squash is a disaster again. Sigh.

I planted clover in one bed as an experiment. Some of the plants in that bed are very robust. That is the ones not crowded out by the clover and sunflowers.

So next year - stick to the planting plan! Less is more! And amend, amend, amend. Add organic fertilize maybe. I think I will plant clover in all the beds -BUT - It gets dug in in the spring.

No corn (I mean it this time) - all I get is smut. No winter squash. I got three spaghetti squash for my trouble and a nice infestation of squash bugs. Only squash will be summer type. Four plants in one 4X8 bed, with beans on the ends. AND NOTHING ELSE IN THE BED!

And NO sunflowers in the vegetable beds. Or cosmos.

The beans have been producing like mad! And I have been picking carrots all spring and summer. And beets. Yum. Had tasty peas in the spring. And lots of salad greens. I planted some lettuces yesterday, so hopefully we will have some nice fall greens. I just wish the tomatoes and squash would do a little better. We are getting tomatoes, just not the bumper crop like last year. And I think I've picked 3-4 zucchini.

The apple trees produced a few apples this year - look at these beauties:

I thinned them and bagged them last spring and the are nice and bug free. Here are a couple still hanging on the tree. I wasn't sure how it would work - I was afraid they would cook in the heat we get, but they turned out perfect!

Well, now I need to go update the other blog. Bad blogger. Bad, bad blogger.


  1. Wow, I thought you'd moved away! Too bad we can't meet on a street corner, I'd give you some winter squash ;-) Knock on wood, I think all the squash bugs must be on your side of town. Powdery mildew is the only thing bothering mine, and I'll never admit how many summer squash I've tossed into the compost rather than bring inside to cook.

  2. Looks delicious! Not the plastic... the apples! ;-)
