Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still waiting for spring. . .

We (mostly hubby) are still plugging away at the greenhouse. The weather has not been helpful. Cloudy, windy, rainy. Although, right now it looks like we may have sunshine today.

I started some of my seeds this week - tomatoes, parsley and celery. I still need to start peppers. Anything else will get direct sewn or bought as nursery plants. I just don't have enough room right now.

And speaking of seeds, I just keep buying more:
  • Acorn Squash - Table King
  • Bok Choy
  • Marigold - Snowdrift
  • Alyssum - Royal Carpet
  • Love-in-a-Mist - Persian Jewels
  • Linaria - Dwarf Fairy Bouquet
  • Marigold - Starfire Signet Mix
  • Forget-me-not
And the last one was a mistake - I thought I picked up blue flax. Well, I guess I have to go seed shopping again. :)


  1. I just keep adding to my seeds, and there is no way I'll find room to plant everything! I mean, 15 varieties of tomatoes? I don't think so. I'm determined to buy another winter squash, Honey bear, and I'd like to find room for some cantaloupe. I see some tree removal in my future ;-)

  2. I don't have room either, but that doesn't seem to stop me from buying more. :)
