Saturday, April 18, 2009

Whats Growing in the Garden?

Things are really beginning to take off now.

These Bleeding Hearts are so pretty! They are unfortunately a bit hidden in the back corner behind the pergola. I bought it last year from a package from a box store. I planted it in a pot and put it outside weather permitting. I drug it (and several other plants) in and out for several weeks. When the weather warmed enough, I put it in the ground. I can't believe how big it is this year!

Our Black Tartarin cherry tree has a several blossoms on it this year, but the Rainer only has two. So pretty, even if we don't get any cherries. All our fruit trees are all very young - we planted them last spring. So I don't expect any fruit yet, but I am enjoying the flowers. :)

I finally got all the Tri-Star (day neutral) strawberries moved last week. The little path has creeping thyme and some other random plants.

The strawberries look better already even though they still look puny. Now they don't get stomped on as much by the garden dog, so maybe they will be happier in this bed. I also amended it pretty heavily. Their prior spot was barely amended.

In another 4-6 weeks I'm going to plant some peppers in this bed as well.

And the Shuksans (June bearing) are growing like crazy. Oh boy, I can taste the strawberry pie already.

And how about some happy little Johnny-jump-ups? I started these from seed last year. They were pretty small when I planted them They survived last summer and winter. I cut them back early spring, and now they are blooming.

One, last note - we (Jim mostly) got a lot of work done on the greenhouse. There is a little bit more to do on it and it will be done!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Been Out in the Garden

The garden has been a flurry of activity!

Things have been growing like crazy! And all sorts of things starting to bloom! These daffodil and hyacinth pictures are from a week ago. Some of the daffodils are now fading, but new ones are blooming. The hyacinths are done now, but they were pretty and sooooo fragrant. Tulips are starting to open, and lilacs are getting ready to bloom. I guess I really need to go take more pictures.

Some of my fruit trees have been blooming. These are apricots blooming from a week or so ago. My peach tree spat out 2-3 pathetic blooms. The plum tree had one bloom. No apple blooms yet. One of my cherry trees has quite a few blooms. I'll have to get a picture of it later.

I got the rest of my spring veggies planted a couple of weeks ago. I got my tri-star strawberries moved. And I've been moving plants left and right! I'm sure the neighbors are thinking "It must be spring, because the crazy lady with the red house is moving plants again!

Most of the seeds I planted have sprouted. Sometimes it feels like the carrots and onions take forever!

I planted lettuce last fall, but I planted it to late for a fall harvest. But, it overwintered with no protection. It looked pathetic most of the winter. But now that it's warmed up, it's growing nicely.

We have been getting a few leaves for sandwiches and burritos and things. The newly planted lettuce and greens are sprouting nicely, so hopefully soon we will have some nice salads.

The "Purple Passion"asparagus is beginning to grow. Although, something (besides hubby and me) has been munching on a few of the spears. It was planted last year, so we won't be harvesting much of it. We have eaten a few raw spears - THEY ARE SOOOOO GOOD!

And there is the greenhouse. Well, basically we need 2 days where we aren't running around like crazy or driving to Vancouver WA. And we need the wind to NOT blow. And for the moon and stars to align . . .

Well we are off to walk garden dog and then do some gardening. And I'll post some new garden pictures later (this evening or tomorrow, hopefully not waiting until next month).